Buy or Lease a Car

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Should I buy or lease my car?

Advantages of Leasing (The following advantages of leasing apply primarily if you use your automobile for more than 50% of your total miles driven for business purposes. This generally excludes 'commuting' to and from your primary place of business):

  • Deductability of most of the monthly lease payment (this is especially good for expensive cars)
  • Lower up-front payment is required
  • No need to 'sell' or 'trade-in' the car at lease termination

Disadvantages of Leasing:

  • All leases come with mileage restrictions which, if exceeded, can be costly
  • It is generally very expensive to terminate a lease before the original lease term is complete
  • Leasing is generally more costly than buying
  • During the lease term, there is no equity in your vehicle.
  • At the end of the lease, the purchase option is generally not desirable as the contractual purchase price may be higher that the automobile's market value.

Advantages of Buying:

  • You generally have some equity in your vehicle and, if necessary, you could sell it and have money available after paying off your loan
  • You can sell you car at any time
  • There are no mileage restrictions, but excess mileage may affect you car's value

Disadvantages of Buying:

  • You are usually required to pay a larger down payment when buying a vehicle
  • Your tax deduction may be severly limited for your business use, depending upon the value of the automobile. Restrictions begin at costs exceeding $15,300. (These restrictions do not apply to 'alternative fuel vehicles' and vehicles weighing more than 6000 pounds)
  • You are faced with the prospect of having to sell you car privately (and dealing with potential buyers) or trading your car into a dealer, usually at a value far below market value

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LOS ANGELES, CA 90034-2713


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